Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't Drink the Water

We didn't have any baptisms this week, but we were able to get one of our investigators interviewed yesterday so we will be looking forward to his baptism this week.

During our companion study this week, Elder Paano and I were discussing some of our investigators who weren't really progressing.  As I though about it and as we talked, I came to the realization that I have been worrying about the "numbers" way too much.  It is a mistake that I promised myself I would never make.  I haven't been truly focusing on the fundamentals of Preach My Gospel, which I am supposed to be teaching to Elder Paano.  I started a special fast on Thursday and I feel like I was able to do some good soul searching.   I need to remind myself of my true purpose as a missionary.  It is not to log the most teaching in a week or anything like that.  I will measure my success by whether or not I am actually helping people, not just being  a preacher holding a bible study in their house.  I need to figure out what I can do to help people overcome their trials or addictions.  The word of wisdom is a big one that a few of our investigators are struggling with.  Elder Paano and I have come up with a few ideas on how to make it more relevant in their lives.  We might even tell them we will stop visiting if they don't at least show some effort to make the change.

We had zone training meetings at the mission home last week.  I got in a little bit of trouble because President Lopez though my haircut was too short!  It's too bad, because it is so hot and it feels so good with a nice buzz!!  I didn't realize it was that short, but I will do as I am told!

I don't carry a water bottle with me while we are out tracting because I was under the impression that the ice water they sell at tsungi's (chungy) was filtered.  Elder Estevez never warned me about that, so I though it was all good.  They put the water in a plastic bag thing and put it in the fridge.  They sell each bag for 1 piso, which is way cheap!  So, on an average day, I buy and drink 5 or 6 of them to keep me hydrated.  When I told this to Sister Lopez at our zone training last Wednesday, she about had a heart attack!  She told me that they are filled up from the ground water wells and are filtered with socks.  I started laughing and told her it explains a whole lot of what has been happening with my stomach!  She told me not to drink that water anymore, but it tastes so good and I am already used to the water, so I may just cut down my intake.  We will see--maybe I will pray about it!

Being a missionary is great.  The things I am learning every day will help me so much in my life.  It honestly scares me to think of where my life would go if I hadn't decided to serve a mission.  I am sure it would still have been great, but it wouldn't have been the same as it will be.  I know what my purpose is not only for right now, but what it will be as a father, husband, priesthood holder, and as a human being.  I know the reality of our relationship with Heavenly Father, and how involved He truly is in our daily lives.

I love and miss you all.


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