Sunday, February 10, 2013

Finished with Training

We just had an okay week as far as numbers went, but I was actually proud of how we did.  This is the first transfer where I have actually felt like I had a chance to be transferred.  That, mixed with the fact that I have been in this area for six months, has me feeling very area trunky!  It really surprised me how hard it was to not have the pre-transfer week let down. I don't know if I will be transferred or not, but if this is where I am needed I will continue to work hard.

As we finished with Elder Paano's training last week, I thought about where he was at the start of his training and where he is now.  The change is amazing! I remember the first time I told him to invite someone to be baptized and he was so scared, he couldn't do it.  Yesterday, he asked an investigator to be baptized without me even asking him to do it.  The investigator said yes and we were both really excited.  We had exchanges and he led in that area too.  I am very proud of him.  I'm glad I had the opportunity to train him, and I know he will be a great missionary.

I went on an exchange with Elder Dulalia.  I was impressed with the way we worked together.  We had great companionship chemistry and we taught some very good lessons.  The one thing I really like about him was how he utilized short lessons.  We taught four or five lessons within ten minutes and I didn't feel that they lacked anything as far as the Spirit was concerned.  We also had the wonderful privilege of teaching a Seventh Day Adventist Minister about the Word of Wisdom.  He said it was great and that he also believed that the law of health should be a part of the gospel.  However, he believed the Word of Wisdom was missing something.  He went off about the clean and unclean animals and the Law of Moses.  After about ten minutes, I realized his issue wasn't with the Word of Wisdom, but with Joseph Smith.  After that, I felt like Elder Dulalia and I pummeled him with the Spirit by bearing strong testimony of Joseph Smith.  To be honest, my favorite part of being a missionary is when people challenge my beliefs and I get to bear testimony to them.  It is great!  The feeling of the Spirit is so strong it feels like you chest is going to explode!  Needless to say, he said he has lots of questions about Joseph Smith that he wants answered in their next lesson with him.

So I bought a scale last Monday.  This morning before we left the house, I weighed in at 201 lbs.  My first night in the mission home I weighed in at 228! Who knows, Logan may even be bigger than me when I get back!

I love you all so much!

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