Another week in the books! We had another MLC (Missionary Leadership Conference). I had to give a training about accountability. I definitely worked the Spartan Army into my training when I talked about accountability in a companionship. I had pictures from the movie "300" and everything.I love the training that President Lopez gave us on serving with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. It was awesome. I thought it was one of the best I have heard. He even talked about how that doesn't mean forgetting about family and home. He talked about how that becomes a problem when missionaries use that as a crutch to make them work less. Elder De Vera and I both talked about it the whole way home. I really feel like it helped us in our work this week. We had a very successful week and were able to teach in Ma-ao four days.
Yesterday was awesome! Our Bishop rented a jeep for our investigators to attend church. We literally invited EVERYONE to come to church. We were hoping for more than 20 people to come to church, but we woke up yesterday morning to the hardest rains that have come in a long time. I was pretty sad because I knew with the rains there would be some that didn't come. We didn't have 20+ at sacrament meeting, but we did have 8! Our February is looking pretty solid as far as baptisms go. We also found a great place for our baptismal font. I am so flippin' excited to get some sweet baptismal pictures!
The work is going well right now. It is funny to notice the little things that happen and know that Satan is still working against us in Ma-ao. That's okay though, because I am up for the fight! Right now I would say we are winning and he is fighting a losing battle in Ma-ao. It is just a matter of time until we can get our sacrament meeting there and then watch us go. I am so thankful for this opportunity to open this area. It's challenging, but I love it! I am also so thankful for my Savior and the help He has given me on my mission. The relationship I have been able to develop with Him is stronger than I ever could have imagined. I know that for these next six months, it is even going to get stronger.
I had a pretty cool personal study on Thursday. I seem to always have cool insights when I read out of the New Testament . . . meaning if I was smart, I would probably spend a lot more time there. But, I'm all about the Book of Mormon and here in a couple weeks I am going to be starting the D&C Challenge. You start at Section 138 when you have 138 days left and read one section every day until you go home. I have170 left as of now . . . yes, I have a running count in my planner! I think you all should do it with me.
Anyways, back to the spiritual side. I was reading in Matthew 9. This is when the Pharisees tried to condemn Jesus for eating dinner with the sinners of the generation. I absolutely LOVE the reply Jesus gives them in verse 12: " . . . They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." It is hard to explain, but as I read that it struck me that we need Him. If any of us was perfect, Jesus Christ would be just another human being to us. But we aren't perfect, and so that means that to us He is everything! He came to this earth to help us and literally save us. To make us feel better, both physically and spiritually. Also, another thing I got from this is that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are fully aware that we aren't and never will be perfect during this life. That was all part of the plan. We are supposed to make mistakes and to feel the effects of those mistakes so that we can learn the gospel and the plan of salvation. How could anyone ever have true faith in Jesus Christ and honestly be able to bear strong testimony of Him if they were perfect? It's not possible. Now, I am not saying it is okay to go and sin willfully--that is not good!!!!! But, isn't it comforting to know that when we mistakes, we are (in some ways) fulfilling the plan of salvation. I know that Jesus DID suffer all that, for us (the sick) not the whole. Seriously though, I am so thankful for my Savior, and all the Angels He has sent me to help me get through the trials of life! I love you all so much!
Assistants to the President |
Mission Leadership Training Schedule |
Mission Leadership |
Serving waffles |
Baptismal Font |
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