This was a great week. It started off on Tuesday with an earthquake! The epicenter was two islands over, but it was still 5.6 magnitude here. We were studying when it happened, then all of a sudden the picture of Melissa on my desk fell over and the world started shaking! It was crazy! Much stronger than the one that happened on my first day here. Then there were three others throughout the week--none of which were as strong. I didn't even feel the last one because we were out proslyting, but we got a call from President because we hadn't texted them to let them know we were okay. We honestly couldn't even feel it!
The mission tour was great. We got to listen to Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Seventy. He did a great job and so did his wife. At the end, they had a question/answer session. I asked the first question and it was about how we can deal with the stress of missionary work. Sister Nielson actually answered and she totally disregarded my question and answered the real question that I was too afraid to ask. She talked for a bit and then said, "Elders and Sisters, do you want to know if your Heavenly Father is pleased with your work? If you feel the spirit, then that means He is. That is how Heavenly Father will communicate his love for you." I was like, holy crap, this chick has the spirit of discernment . . . and ever since then I have just felt super calm about things.
Another thing that Elder Nielson said in reply to my question is something I think all of us could try to do in our lives, and that is to "SHOOT FOR STEADY." So simple, yet so true. Life is such a rollercoaster and one thing I want to do from now until the rest of my life, but specifically through the rest of my mission, is just shoot for steady--not get super high or super low. That is much easier said than done, but I will try.
A little bit later today we are going to a monkey sanctuary. It is sweet because there are no cages and if you bring food, the monkeys will climb on you and stuff. I am super stoked! Monkeys have always been one of my favorite animals. Hopefully there will be lots of photos next week!!!
Hope you all have a great week!
This week's baptisms |
The three elders I have trained on my mission |
Results from the Philippines diet |
I even have my own drink |
Members showing up to help with the service project |
Taking a break |
I was in charge of tearing down this structure |
Mission Tour with Elder Nielson |
Masskara Festival |
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