Elder Estevez and I were both sick this week. He is feeling better, but I am still trying to get over it. I was struggling all week with energy, but we ended up logging the most hours we have yet. Needless to say, this is a much needed day of rest!
We taught a Jehovah Witness this week. That was very frustrating. They use a different bible than us and every time we said something, she had a verse that would disprove it. She must be taking one of those "how to confound missionary" classes! I was really frustrated and didn't know what to do, so at the end of the lesson I just said, "I know what we are teaching you is true. I knew from the moment we walked in that you wouldn't believe a single thing we said, but I promise you, whether in this life or the next, you will know what we said is true. i hope for your sake you recognize that before it's too late." She didn't like that, but o-well. I felt the spirit so strong as I said it, so it's okay!
After that it was a pretty dull week . . . except for the tsunami. It was up on the main island, but for three straight days it did nothing but rain. There was another blackout yesterday that lasted for 12 hours. Gotta love all these trials! It's okay, because they will only help me grow, right? The mission is tough, but it is fun. The days are slowly starting to go by quicker.
I was thinking and praying a lot for you guys this week. I had a bad feeling that you guys aren't doing good. Then after one of my prayers I got a feeling that was pretty amazing. I realized that our Heavenly Father can protect you guys way more than I ever could. Nothing I can do is better for you all then what I am doing right now. I don't know if that feeling was wrong or right about you guys not doing good, but please trust the Lord. He is protecting you guys--He promised me. That might not make a lot of sense to you, but when I get home I will tell you of one of the greatest experience of my life. I'm sorry to leave you hanging, but I want to say this face-to-face.
We have four really good progressing investigators right now. The Lachica family--Sister Nenita and her son, Jordan, are the only non-members. They are being baptized on October 13. I love them so much! I will try sending a photo of me with them. Anyways, Sister Nenita has had three husbands and they have all died. She has eight kids and so much faith. She asked us how to pay tithing and fast without us even mentioning it. We are the fifth set of missionaries to teach her. I truly believe that Elder Esteves and I were foreordained to teach her. It is so wonderful! I cannot explain the love I have for the people we are teaching. it is weird because I don't understand a lot of what is said, but they said they know I care and that I am telling the truth.
Next is Brother Romer. I love him because he speaks better English than I do. When I am struggling, he tells me to speak English! He is a baptist and has tons of questions, but I know he knows it is true. He is really smart, so he keeps saying he wants to take his time with this--a really smart answer ha ha! I know he will be baptized, but it will be a little bit longer.
Next we have Darlyn Abas. She is 20 and has a kid. Her boyfriend and her aren't married. Try teaching the law of chastity to someone your own age with a kid. Awkward! She is struggling to find her birth certificate and can't get baptized until she has that and is married. She said she will still come to church until she can be baptized.
The people here are awesome. It is a struggle some days, but it's okay. It will all be wroth it in the end! I love you all and pray for you each day. Be safe, read your scriptures, and pray every day. The blessings will be more than you can handle, I promise.
Elder Wilstead
President and Sister Lopez visited Cole's apartment to do an apartment check and personal interviews. They posted these photos that they took while they were there.
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Elder Estevez, Cole, President & Sister Lopez |
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I'm not sure what to think about this! Kinda bare, but I guess if
they keep having the power go out it might be for the best that
it isn't very full.